February 2018 – A compact pulsed 2950 nm laser developed by JGM Associates Inc. (JGMA; Burlington, MA), and its use for biological mass spectrometry imaging, are described in a February 2018 on-line publication in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer): Characterization of a novel miniaturized burst-mode infrared laser system for IR-MALDESI mass spectrometry imaging. The paper’s authors are M. Ekelof, M. Nazari, M. Bokhart, and D.C. Muddiman at North Carolina State University, with whom JGMA has been collaborating for several years now.
The pulsed IR laser can be used in laser-based ion sources that rely upon absorption of laser energy by the water component of biological samples, including ion sources employing IR-MALDESI, LAESI, ELDI, and IR-MALDI methods. JGMA is developing ultra-compact pulsed lasers that emit at a variety of UV and IR wavelengths of interest for biological mass spectrometry. These lasers will be particularly well-suited for use in desktop and portable mass spectrometers.