February 2018 – A compact pulsed 2950 nm laser developed by JGM Associates Inc. (JGMA; Burlington, MA), and its use for biological mass spectrometry imaging, are described in a February 2018 on-line publication in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer): Characterization of a novel miniaturized burst-mode infrared laser system for IR-MALDESI mass spectrometry imaging. The paper’s […]
JGMA wins Phase I award to develop mid-IR OPOs with high beam quality
January 2018 – JGM Associates (JGMA; Burlington, MA) has received notification of award from DoD/SOCOM for a Phase I SBIR program entitled “Daytime Markers / Designators.” The project will develop ultra-compact, mJ-level, mid-IR OPOs with near-diffraction-limited beam quality, suitable for use in next-generation man-portable markers, designators, and rangefinders. The SBIR program is designed to overlap […]
JGMA develops compact and low-cost eyesafe laser
June 2017 – JGMA has developed a compact and low-cost eyesafe laser that provides 2 to 6 mJ pulse energy. Pulse duration is 1 to 3 ns depending on pulse energy. The laser can be configured to provide any wavelength in the 1500 to 2000 nm range. Laser head size is 2.5″W x 2″L x […]
JGMA has developed a low-cost and compact 355 nm laser for
February 2017 – JGMA has developed a low-cost and compact 355 nm laser for UV-MALDI and similar applications. The laser prototype generates more than 20 uJ of 355 nm pulse energy at pulse rates to 25 kHz (>500 mW average) with cw pumping, and at pulse rates from 100 Hz to 10 kHz with quasi-cw […]
Bulk-solid-state laser amplifier with “tailored” gain spectrum
February 2016 – JGM Associates, Inc. (JGMA; Burlington, MA) has announced a bulk-solid-state laser amplifier design having a “tailored” gain spectrum. It is based on the company’s patented diode-pumped wedged-slab (VHGM) gain module technology. In the new design, the two HR coatings that establish the zig-zag seed beam path through the VHGM slab have different […]
USPTO issues patent US 9,046,697 to JGMA
June 2015 – USPTO has issued to JGM Associates patent US 9,046,697 “Low speckle light sources and displays using multimode optical fiber”. This patent is available for licensing.
JG Manni’s book Basic Aspects of Medical and Dental Lasers is now available at Amazon.com
October 2013 – JG Manni’s book Basic Aspects of Medical and Dental Lasers is now available at Amazon.com in paperback. Paperback and eBook versions are available at Lulu.com, and eBook versions are available at Apple’s iBookstore and Barnes and Noble. The book provides tutorials for the non-laser-technical reader on how lasers are designed and used clinically for surgical applications and in laser dentistry. […]
Experimental data on a high-gain, high-energy VHGM MOPA was
May 2012 – Experimental data on a high-gain, high-energy VHGM MOPA was added to the Mini-MOPAs section. This MOPA generates >100 mJ with 5 mJ of 1064 nm seed energy and 35 mJ with 150 uJ seed energy. High-energy MOPAs.
Article: Laser speckle reduction in laser cinema (with Joe Goodman)
May 2012 – New article published: Manni JG and Goodman JW, “Versatile method for achieving 1% speckle contrast in large-venue laser projection displays using a stationary multimode optical fiber,” Optics Express 20:11288-11315 (2012). Free article at: https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-20-10-11288